
Reclaiming your crown!!

Re-claiming your crown means to reclaim and restore your self-worth, to think and see yourself as a royal human being. How we see ourselves is what we will project out into the world. Knowing your self-worth is extremely important. Everyday we are bombarded with things, people, experiences, and more that push us away from who we truly are. We end up claiming crowns, purposes, missions, experiences and pursuits that are meant for other people and not necessarily a reflection of one’s authentic self. Instead by focusing so much on others, it is easy to forget to claim on our crown, find your own purpose, embark on your own mission and create your own experiences. Life is about what you have to offer to the world. What is important is how you use your own purpose and mission to positively change your surroundings and others. Finding out who you are, why you are here on earth, and what you are meant to contribute is the real reward of life. Your outlook on life depends on your outlook of self. Where you want to be, what you want to accomplish, and who you want to predicated on your self-worth. How worthy do you see yourself? How worthy do you see yourself as the benefactor of your dreams? Today is the day to think of yourself as someone who is worthy enough to live a fulfilling life. Do not let anyone, friends, family, significant others, teachers force you into living a life that is less than standard. You have the power to influence, change, motivate, empower and change the course of your life. No matter the circumstances or situations that may challenge you to see yourself as otherwise, you have the power to re-claim your crown and worth. QUESTION: Good day, Happy New Year. My questions go thus, how can one know his/her purpose and serve in that line? Secondly how can one choose a mentor? Hope A. Thank you for your question. In order to discover your purpose in life, start first by analysing things that you are passionate about or have a really strong interest in. Find something that you love doing, even if nobody paid you for it or the economic opportunity wasn’t much, that you would still do it passionately. Also, one thing to understand about purpose is that purpose is all about serving. Your purpose is a reflection of how you use your talents, gifts or skills to serve or make a difference in the life of someone else. Purpose is not necessarily about being successful or winning accolades and achievements, it’s about you being the vessel to serve. Before seeking out a mentor, ask yourself these three questions: . Am I drawn to this person because of his or her professional achievements only? . Are there certain qualities that my mentor has that I want to adopt? . Am I forming a relationship with this person to guide me professionally? Personally? Or both? The reason I say it’s important to ask yourself these questions is because we often seek out mentors based on their outward persona or public accomplishments. Which means we seek out people who have something that we want or want to develop. She may be the CEO of a company, she may be a medical doctor or lawyer or well-known author or artist. We use those outward signs and draw general conclusions that such person may also be able to build me up both professionally and personally. However do you expect because someone is successful to have all the answers in relation to your life? They can only guide and you have to pick and choose what advice you can adopt into your own life. If you don’t have a secure sense of self- direction you may mistakenly adopt habits, values, thought processes that are not unique to you and that may actually inhibit your growth. What may have worked for him/her, may not be suitable for you. My advice to you is this: seek out mentors and learn from them; however, temper your expectations because he or she may not be able to give you what you need. And most importantly mentee and mentorship relationships have beginning and end points; know that certain relationships are only for a season. Kindly submit your questions regarding career, love, family, relationships and more to***prbxselfnetwork***

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