

Notable Nollywood actress, Bimbo Akintola, has reacted to news that latest Nollywood flick from Dayo Amusa, Pathetic, deals only with celebrities and doesn’t affect the average person in society. Speaking to CelebrityExtra recently, the 93 Days star actor said the entire story is a reality check on everyone. “It’s not just being a celebrity, but her being a celebrity didn’t make it easy on the marriage in that sense. “The way you can look at it from a celebrity standpoint is because everybody knows you because of your profession. Doctors are not known because of their medium, but the medium for our work is television and television is something everyone has in their homes. “So, because of that, we are known and things that happen to us get more attention than what happens to normal people. “An abuse does not know celebrity or no-celebrity; it’s just whoever it is that has abuse physical or are being abused physically,” she said. Bimbo s said although the movie may appear to a few as a fictional account, but what was depicted in it happens to women. She noted: “It happens to women. It can be because of your riches, it can be because of anything else, but the man behaved the way he behaved not because she was a celebrity, but because he had issues with himself that he needed to deal with. “A man that beats a woman has issues, a man that can kill obviously have issues. “So, it doesn’t matter if she was a celebrity or not, his instinct would have still come out and would have shown. He would have beaten any woman that he married, because that is the sort of person that he is.” The actress encouraged moviegoers to go see the movie when it is out, saying it is an opportunity “for everyone to learn from each other’s mistakes.” Pathetic has been in the cinemas since yesterday. ***prbxselfnetwork***

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